

There I was minding my own business watching You tube videos seeing everyone getting all excited over Vlogtober and I got to wondering if there was a blogging equivalent.

A quick Google search later and i found out there is!

So since I've been quite good over the past few days I think I'll give it a go.

I don't think I've quite got time to change my polish everyday so there may be a a few more general life posts but since I'm new at this it could be a way for you to get to know me and hopefully by following #blogtober on twitter I'll get to know a few new folk as well.

If you'd like to stay updated there is a few options for following on the right there ---------->

And if your taking part feel free to link your blog in the comments and i'll have a gander round your corner of the interweb as well :-)

Since i like to include pictures here's a random pic of myself i took on my Ipad
(note: i don't really look like this!!)

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