
Fat Girl Slim

Now before I get into this I would like to say i have absolutely no knowledge of nutrition or the medical implications of losing weight. Please see a qualified professional if you are thinking of losing weight.

Nor would i say I'm actually fat, I'm just a sucker for a catchy title.

OK?......then onward we go.

I was reading a post over at missbudgetbeauty and was inspired by what i read.

For quite a while now I've been feeling somewhat out of sorts when it comes to my weight. As I mentioned I'm not what i call fat (though others may have their own opinions on this) but I'm a good 14 and as someone who has spent the majority of my life hovering about the 10 mark this feels big to me.

I'll be honest I don't eat well. I like a wee Mcdonalds breakfast, I'm fond of a cake with my meal deal at lunch and I'm almost on the Dominos delivery drivers Christmas card list.

The only saving grace i have at the moment is that i walk to and from work.

But that is about to change. The bus to my new work place goes near enough door to door. Something will have to give before my jeans button does.

There is an important social event coming up at the end of October and I'm a bridesmaid at a dear friends wedding next June.

Both of these things require photos being taken......
I'm determined that my bingo wings will not feature in them.

I used the app My Fitness Pal before and managed to lose 7 lbs relatively easily.

The app is basically a calorie counter (and FREE!), you put in a few stats, height, weight and age and it works out how many calories you should be eating.
Now instead of being a rigid number you can 'earn' extra calories by doing more exercise. Its really really motivating. You can even add friends to the app to keep each other going.
I think the thing i like most about it is that i have a free app on my phone which means I can keep track of things on the go and i can just scan the barcode of whatever I'm eating there and then.

And as an extra boost, as you finish each day it estimates what you'll weigh in 5 weeks time if you continue as you are (really accurately as it turns out)

So i think I'll go back on the wagon...

So in the spirit of publicly declaring my commitment Monday night will be weigh in night:

I'm currently  159lbs and i want to be 135lbs    24lbs to go!!

Though since I've just been invited to the two for Tuesdays at my friends I'm not sure how this will go :-s

Who's with me?!

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